Oldham Design Studio 254-772-1438
© Oldham Signs 2021

Etched Glass Designs

At Oldham Signs, we have a large glass etching cabinet that can accommodate many different glass designs and mediums. From small items such as wine bottles and champagne glasses, to larger format mirrored glass or windowpanes, we can produce product, logo, and business sign designs or hand lettering to add that personal touch to your glassware. There’s no job too big or too small that we won’t try to accommodate with our high-quality designs and glass etching techniques at Oldham Signs. How are etched glass designs created? At Oldham Signs, we are skilled at creating satin soft etched glass surface designs which are translucent and smooth. We can also help with rougher, readier, frosted designs with a bit more texture and dimension to their surfaces. All are created and designed by hand, with quality and a fine craftsman’s touch. So how is glass etching achieved? Well, primarily it’s created by producing a pattern that has been corroded into the glass using some form of acid. Now, the effect which the acid achieves depends on the type of glass used and the amount of time it is exposed to the acid. Transferring a design onto glass can be done using several methods, but one of the most common is to use beeswax or paraffin as a protective layer to start. You can cover the whole piece or the area to be exposed with this protective layer. Then, using fine needles, you trace your hand lettering, sign design, or logo on. When you expose the glass to acid, only the areas penetrated by the needles are unprotected, allowing the acid to seep in and etch the design out while the rest of the piece remains unaffected. This technique can produce some exquisite details and visual effects to your etched glass sign designs. As you can imagine, creating hand lettering and designing glass and mirror signs in such a way takes time, patience, and a heck of a lot of skill - all of which we have ample of and apply to our designs at Oldham Signs. Etched glass: a brief history Well you see, glass etching itself started in the 15 th century. Artists would directly scratch their designs and motifs on to hand-blown or cast glass pieces. Can you envision the amount of times that would break and the skill it would take to prevent it?! Thankfully, a few hundred years later - in the 1860’s - acid etching was developed. This created a more refined and precise cut to the design of etched glassware, but it came with a price! The acids used were highly dangerous and toxic, so this beautiful artform now had deadly repercussions. It was the 1920’s when things really began to change and the mold etch process was developed. This enabled safer processes and, by the 1930’s, was being used as a way of mass-producing etched glass designs. Quality etched glass design Over the years, leaps and bounds have been made in the acid etching process and the hand crafting of etched glass sign design. For starters, the hand crafting side is much safer and even more refined! At Oldham Signs, we adhere to the highest safety standards in our treatment of acid etched glassware and sign design. We have years of experience and can guarantee our high- quality glass etching, hand lettering, and sign design services.
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Etched Glass


At Oldham Signs, we have a large glass etching cabinet that can accommodate many different glass designs and mediums. From small items such as wine bottles and champagne glasses, to larger format mirrored glass or windowpanes, we can produce product, logo, and business sign designs or hand lettering to add that personal touch to your glassware. There’s no job too big or too small that we won’t try to accommodate with our high-quality designs and glass etching techniques at Oldham Signs. How are etched glass designs created? At Oldham Signs, we are skilled at creating satin soft etched glass surface designs which are translucent and smooth. We can also help with rougher, readier, frosted designs with a bit more texture and dimension to their surfaces. All are created and designed by hand, with quality and a fine craftsman’s touch. So how is glass etching achieved? Well, primarily it’s created by producing a pattern that has been corroded into the glass using some form of acid. Now, the effect which the acid achieves depends on the type of glass used and the amount of time it is exposed to the acid. Transferring a design onto glass can be done using several methods, but one of the most common is to use beeswax or paraffin as a protective layer to start. You can cover the whole piece or the area to be exposed with this protective layer. Then, using fine needles, you trace your hand lettering, sign design, or logo on. When you expose the glass to acid, only the areas penetrated by the needles are unprotected, allowing the acid to seep in and etch the design out while the rest of the piece remains unaffected. This technique can produce some exquisite details and visual effects to your etched glass sign designs. As you can imagine, creating hand lettering and designing glass and mirror signs in such a way takes time, patience, and a heck of a lot of skill - all of which we have ample of and apply to our designs at Oldham Signs. Etched glass: a brief history Well you see, glass etching itself started in the 15 th century. Artists would directly scratch their designs and motifs on to hand-blown or cast glass pieces. Can you envision the amount of times that would break and the skill it would take to prevent it?! Thankfully, a few hundred years later - in the 1860’s - acid etching was developed. This created a more refined and precise cut to the design of etched glassware, but it came with a price! The acids used were highly dangerous and toxic, so this beautiful artform now had deadly repercussions. It was the 1920’s when things really began to change and the mold etch process was developed. This enabled safer processes and, by the 1930’s, was being used as a way of mass-producing etched glass designs. Quality etched glass design Over the years, leaps and bounds have been made in the acid etching process and the hand crafting of etched glass sign design. For starters, the hand crafting side is much safer and even more refined! At Oldham Signs, we adhere to the highest safety standards in our treatment of acid etched glassware and sign design. We have years of experience and can guarantee our high-quality glass etching, hand lettering, and sign design services.

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